Review of the car owner Toyota Corolla 2006
6.5-7 liters - track, 10-11 liters. - city l / 100km
Good day. I will not write at the beginning, as many people write: do not judge strictly ... blah blah blah. Judge what you want, if only objectively.
Preface to the recall.
I think my review will be useful to those who are eyeing this model. Corolla in this body has been produced since 2001, and for Russia from 2002 to 2006, having gone through a slight restyling in 2004.
In this body, the Corollas were produced in two fixed trim levels: Terra and Sol. The difference is that Sol has PTF installed, there is a rain sensor, climate control instead of simple twists, a leather multifunction steering wheel and a leather gearbox handle, all 4 electric windows and everything. Meanwhile, the difference in price in the salons was quite large, so most of the cars on the market are in simpler configuration. In my opinion, this is not so important, since even simple trim levels have the required minimum: air conditioning for summer, heated seats and mirrors for winter, front st. / Lifts for the driver, paddles for rear passengers))).
I will not dwell on the history of this model, bodies and trim levels in more detail, if desired, this information can be easily found on the Internet.
There are quite a few offers in the secondary market and, I must say, the car is popular. This popularity is well-deserved, since the machine is very, very reliable, not complicated and repairable in case of anything.
So, my Toyota Corolla, sedan, 2006 release, 3ZZ-FE 1.6 liter engine, 110 hp, automatic transmission, TERRA equipment.
The car has been in my hands for 6 years already, I bought it in 2007, with a mileage of just over 27 t.km. Mileage for today is 125 thousand km. with a ponytail. I think now this is a sufficient period of ownership and mileage to have something to share with you, dear friends.
I must say right away that the car is more than satisfied. He does not present any problems, regularly transports from point A to point B. It always starts up, there have never been sudden failures on the road.
1.6 liters on this car is just that. 1.4 will not be enough, you will have to turn the engine, and this is a decrease in its resource. The engine is unpretentious, does not consume oil from replacement to replacement. Full manual capacity - 4.2 liters. I usually take a 4-liter canister, pour it out completely, using the dipstick just in the middle of the marks. And so I go until the next change, no refilling is required. I pour oil from the very beginning to this day TOYOTA 5w30, in a tin can. There are no complaints against him. Replacement every 10,000 km. In addition to the oil filter, I immediately change the air vent. Although it is designed for 30,000 km., I don’t save on such trifles. After all, the roads are full of dust, and replacement is highly desirable.
The engine with the VVT-i system is excellent. I don’t know how it all works there, and I don’t need to know that, but thanks to this thing, the thrust is provided from the very bottom to the very top.
As for the engine, it can be noted that the timing drive here is chain. Thus, it is impossible to "get" to the meeting of valves with pistons due to belt breakage. No, of course, the chain also stretches, and if you really start it, then everything is possible. But this is unlikely, since a worn-out chain will rattle robustly, and only the most notorious nihilist can miss this.



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